
Cleaning Up Your Git Commit History

Before you submit a pull request to the upstream repository for changes you made in your Git repository, you should think about cleaning up your commit history. Ideally, when your code is merged with the master branch of the target repository, the commit history of that master branch should be…

Subclasses and Inheritance in JavaScript

A class is a blueprint for something you want to model. You can use a class to create many similar objects. In JavaScript, a class is simply a function (or a constructor) that creates objects where each object created from the constructor function will have the same properties. Additional properties…

Understanding the Keyword "this"

I have always struggled to correctly use the keyword, this, in JavaScript. This is especially the case when functions are invoked from the context of other functions. At a high level, think of this being a variable that simply refers to an object. When this is bound to an object,…

Blackboxing Library Code in Chrome DevTools

One of the many useful features of Chrome Developer Tools (DevTools) is the blackbox preference. Normally when debugging code, if you step through code that references external source files (e.g., jQuery, Underscore.js, etc.), the debugger will step through that library code. Sometimes this may be good if you…